EHS工程师 8-10K
德联覆铜板(惠州)有限公司 广东惠州 2天前刷新
学历要求大专 工作经验2年 现居住地不限


  • 求职中如遇招聘方扣押证件、要求提供担保或收取财物(如抵押金、培训费等)、强迫入股或集资、收取不正当利益或其他违法情形,请立即举报,并保留证据,维护自身合法权益。
  • 如遇职位要求赴海外工作,请提高警惕,谨防诈骗。


一、Essential Duties And Responsibilities
1. Set up or Maintain OSHSAS18000 & ISO14000 System and drive continuous improvement;
2. Maintain and improve or update Clean Production management system and the Standardized Safety Management System
3. Conduct daily safety and environment inspection, keep record and monitor its corrective status;
4. Deliver EHS Orientation to new employee.
5. Monitor contractor safety programs’ implementation, provide contractor safety training to them, review their safe work plan before them starting to work.
6. Accompany safety bureau officer when they come to company to do safety inspection, keep inspection record and follow up action plan.
7. Provide Lockout-Tag out training to employee and drive to implement the program.
8. Monitor Hot Work, Confined Space Entry and other high risk operation’s permit approval, to make sure it is started under safe condition
9. Monitor the implementation of MOC program, join MOC review, keep MOC action plan record.
10. Provide JSA training and review all department’s JSA
11. Develop job required PPE list based on JSA, define proper PPE types, deliver PPE training to employees
12. Occupational health check results analysis, develop trend analysis
13. Join accident investigation, review accident investigation report.
14. Join customer’s EHS related audit, assign audit finding to responsible person.
15. Review fire-fighting equipment PM plan, monitor its implementation
16. Attend Fire-fighting bureau meeting, bring new regulation requirement/information to management team.
17. Monitor the close status for fire-fighting related corrective action.
18. Deliver fire-fighting training to employees. Help to organize emergency drill;
19. Launch and join EHS related management measures/initiatives to build up/enhance the EHS culture in the company;
20. Attend government organized EHS meetings, convey relevant message to company management team, coordinate gap analysis and fulfillment/ compliance efforts;
21. Follow up new EHS law and regulation & Prepare law& regulation compliance report ;
22. Coordinate periodically EHS related monitoring/test.
23. Lead to identity environment impact aspects,
24. Provide Environment system training to employee
25. Conduct environment inspection
26. Waste management, Haz waste disposal application
27. Conduct internal management system and customer audit
28. Prepare internal & external EHS report.
二、Qualifications & Abilities
College above degree;
1.With at least 2 years’ MNC EHS working experience;
2.Safety engineering majority graduation candidate’s work experience;
3.Hold certificated safety engineer license;
4.Good written and basic oral English.Excellent interpersonal, communicative skills to work with plant personnel from senior to junior level.Good team player.Well organized people can work independently.
5.Familiar with OHSAS18000 & ISO14000; Clean Production system and work permit system.
3163 9090-3|171 5255 4040 35此工作地点位于惠州市博罗县罗浮山附近,对此工作地点有异议的求职者请勿投递简历
