东莞市万磁电子有限公司 外贸销售三部 广东东莞 2天前刷新
学历要求本科 工作经验不限 现居住地不限


  • 求职中如遇招聘方扣押证件、要求提供担保或收取财物(如抵押金、培训费等)、强迫入股或集资、收取不正当利益或其他违法情形,请立即举报,并保留证据,维护自身合法权益。
  • 如遇职位要求赴海外工作,请提高警惕,谨防诈骗。


Working Content:
1、Salary: 5000 basic + yearly order commission+ yearly profit commission?
2、Time: From Monday to Friday - 8.00am ~ 18.00pm ( including 2 hours lunch break from 11.30~ 13.30) Saturday 8.00am ~ 12.00pm
3、Develop clients from all over the world via all kinds of social media: Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
4、Develop clients via every exhibition been taken part in, continually learning how to get the company be known by clients and present the company with your unique character?
5、Always thirsty at keeping yourself updated, besides getting to know the knowledge in this industry , enable yourself to offer the clients better solution
Why Chose One-magnet:
1、The company always able to offer you a strong platform to build up yourself being confident, experienced and advanced ; as well as offer you chances to travel all over the world, USA Italy Spain…, to meet all different kinds of people and broaden your horizon?
2、We offer free English business classes for the stuffs in the International department, twice per week?
1、Undergraduate college or above, basically English skills necessary and fluently oral English & officially writing skills preferred
2、Outgoing personality, talkative and have common sense
3、Have sales experience preferred, or you possess killer quality & instinct?
4、To handle this job, you have to be good at anti-stresses and always keeping positive, and fearless to be excellent and freedom to fail
We don't care how outstanding individual person you are, here we keep our group a team, no Individualism but team spirit
If you are the one we are looking for ,pls feel free to contact us , we need you to join our family ,
5981 7393-|171 5388 5486 49Sincerely!
