



2018年丨梦想永不止步 My Dream Will Go On
GuiLangFang has been dedicated to building the brand of fashion integration of diverse elements and working on its fine floriculture in domestic market since its foundation. Mr.Deng,respectfully known as the“Florigentleman the Boss”, has devoted himself to the brand for years and will never cease making progress in his career, which is also the permanent pursuit for all members in GuiLangFang family. The Dream to Prominence is on the way.
初心The Beginning 丨因为热爱 Out of Love
Out of love and passion, the founder opened its first GuiLangFang flower shop in 2008, seeking the merits in fine floriculture and working out a way to improve the techniques and skills.
定位 Brand Positioning丨倡导时尚优雅生活态度 Promoting the Lifestyle of Elegant Vogue
A good brand positioning leads to a bright future. Through ceaseless practice,by trails and errors, GuiLangFang, dedicating to creating a romantically French Chateau-like mansion of floral arts,has managed to repositioned its brand in promoting the lifestyle of elegance by producing unique floral scented tea, coffee, food and beverage, gifts and other popular elements. To create "the first French manor romantic flower art public house".
追寻The Vision 丨高端品质 Transcendent Quality
The superiority in class and Transcendence in quality is the permanent goal for us. The uniqueness of its brand relies on our ceaseless efforts to renovate our products and to refine our service.
跨界 Cross-Bordering丨多元化发展 Diversified Development
Nine years of operation enables GuiLangFang to evolve from pure floriculture or floral arts to other business fields such as “Flower Art Museum”“Gui Lanfang fashion integration of public relations media ”“GuiLangFang Customized Wedding Planning”.
致谢 Acknowledgments丨一路同行 Together We Become Better
We would like to thanks all the costumers for their great supports and the hardworking staffs for their tremendous efforts to make GuiLangFand such a great success! Nine years of remarkable operating experience enables us to manage to explore more business opportunities in Creative Industries, Business Channel, All Media Service, Entertainment Agency and other customized PR branding service. We will work on building a better GuiLangFand and move on to a chian-store mode for more fruitful business in the new year 2018. Please join us in sharing the vision and promoting “GuiLangFang Lifestyle”.